Sorry it has been so long between updates on Olivia. Our computer was down for nearly two months. Here are some random pictures and updates on what's happening with her from December 2008 and January 2009.
1. We have had some really specialized blood work done which could take up to 3 months to find out the results from. It is to help narrow done what the future could bring and to verify the type of seizure disorder that she has which we believe is Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy.
2. We are waiting for her walker to be delivered soon so she can use it at home to keep her balance. We will be calling it "Hot Wheels" just like they do at her school.
3. Jan, Feb and March seem to be her worst months health wise and this year so far is no exception. She managed to go through Nov & Dec with only an ear infection and strep throat which is very good for her, but now she is not doing well at all. We have increased her regular seizure meds and we are covering her with an extra (Valium type) med to help her get through but it's not really working.
4. Our adoption of Olivia is final. She is now "officially" our daughter forever as of December 17, 2008. She is now Olivia Ann Eding!
She is having head drop and regular drop attack seizures several times an hour, all day long. She is complaining of not being able to "See" at times which is new and she also had and episode last weekend of seizure activity in her left arm, left side of her face and neck which left her arm paralyzed for almost 10 minutes afterward.
Please remember Olivia during this rough time and pray for her recovery. We are hoping to avoid a long hospital stay this year.

Olivia on Santa's lap.

Adoption day December 17, 2008. She is waiting her turn to use the gavel.

Olivia's turn to bang the gavel and say "It's official"!!

Savanna and Olivia with their princess hats for Christmas.

Snow fun outside in January.